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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Haiku Classic: Feb. 4, 2024 — Unfinished

mayflies —

an unfinished painting

on the easel

Carolyn Hall (1941- ). From “Modern Haiku,” 41:2 (Summer 2010), Santa Rosa Beach, USA.

The juxtaposition between short-lived mayflies, only existing as adults for a day, and the unfinished painting, which presumably will be finished when the artist finds the time, is superb. One wonders whether the artist has wandered off to look at the mayflies — exquisite works of nature’s art as they are — or even whether the artist might have passed away suddenly, leaving the painting unfinished. The prose itself is also polished, peppered with similar sounds.

Selected and commented on by Dhugal J. Lindsay

Pique your poetic interest with more Haiku in English here.
